Affinity Trait

Allows constraining which nodes the integration pod(s) are eligible to be scheduled on, based on labels on the node, or with inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity, based on labels on pods that are already running on the nodes.

It’s disabled by default.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait affinity.[key]=[value] --trait affinity.[key2]=[value2] integration.yaml

The following configuration options are available:

Property Type Description



Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



Always co-locates multiple replicas of the integration in the same node (default false).



Never co-locates multiple replicas of the integration in the same node (default false).



Defines a set of nodes the integration pod(s) are eligible to be scheduled on, based on labels on the node.



Defines a set of pods (namely those matching the label selector, relative to the given namespace) that the integration pod(s) should be co-located with.



Defines a set of pods (namely those matching the label selector, relative to the given namespace) that the integration pod(s) should not be co-located with.


  • To schedule the integration pod(s) on a specific node using the built-in node label

    $ kamel run -t affinity.node-affinity-labels=" in(node-66-50.hosted.k8s.tld)" ...
  • To schedule a single integration pod per node (using the Exists operator):

    $ kamel run -t affinity.pod-anti-affinity-labels="" ...
  • To co-locate the integration pod(s) with other integration pod(s):

    $ kamel run -t affinity.pod-affinity-labels=" in(it1, it2)" ...

The *-labels options follow the requirements from Label selectors. They can be multi-valuated, then the requirements list is ANDed, e.g., to schedule a single integration pod per node AND not co-located with the Camel K operator pod(s):

$ kamel run -t affinity.pod-anti-affinity-labels="" -t affinity.pod-anti-affinity-labels="" ...

More information can be found in the official Kubernetes documentation about Assigning Pods to Nodes.