Working with Camel Core
The Camel Context is the hearth of Apache Camel, which holds everything together.
If you are not familiar with Apache Camel, then we recommend reading the Camel Context first before coming back here.
In Apache Camel, a route is a set of processing steps that are applied to a message as it travels from a source to a destination. A route typically consists of a series of processing steps that are connected in a linear sequence.
In other words, a Camel route is where the integration flow is defined. For example, you can write a Camel route to specify how two systems can be integrated. The following guide provides the fundamental knowledge of Camel routes:
Routes: the basic guide about Camel Routes.
If you have basic knowledge about routes, you can use the following guides to learn how to write them in different languages, handle errors, and customize them.
Camel Context: the hearth of Apache Camel
Routes (Basic + DSL)
Java DSL: the default language to write routes.
DSL overview: writing routes in other languages (XML, YAML, etc).
Routes (Writing)
Routes (Error Handling)
Routes (Others)
Components are a fundamental building block of Apache Camel and are used to connect routes to a wide variety of external systems and services.
Component: the comprehensive guide about components.
Data Processing and Transformation
As you progress with creating your routes, you will often need to manipulate the data in transit so that you can collect, transform, or store it for future use. Apache Camel comes with many features to help you transform data in transit. The following guides can help you discover ways to manipulate the data:
Data Processing
Data Transformation
The exchange is a core concept of Apache Camel and is used to abstract different patterns of communication within Camel. Read the following guides to have a better understanding of it:
Other Guides
Learn about additional ways to customize your integrations. Explore alternatives to consume and produce data as well as writing and defining routes.
Running Camel Applications and Other Runtime Guides
You can find additional documentation in the architecture documentation in the old user manual.