Apache camel 4.5.0 Release
New and Noteworthy
This release is the new Camel 4.5.0 release.
Supported Java version
This version supports Java 17 and 21.Getting the Binaries using Maven
To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml
, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core
and any other components needed without specifying the version.
To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use Spring Boot spring-boot-dependencies
and Camel camel-spring-boot-bom
Bill of Materials (BOM):
<version> SPRING BOOT VERSION HERE </version>
Apache Camel
Download | Signature and checksum |
apache-camel-4.5.0-src.zip (Sources) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
apache-camel-4.5.0-sbom.xml (SBOM, CycloneDX XML) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
apache-camel-4.5.0-sbom.json (SBOM, CycloneDX JSON) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
Git tag checkout
Release is tagged with camel-4.5.0
in the Git, to fetch it use:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git cd camel git checkout camel-4.5.0
Resolved issues
Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release
Bug (35)
- CAMEL-20597
- camel-salesforce - NullPointerException when query header is missing
- CAMEL-20588
- camel-salesforce: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Request header too large Exception
- CAMEL-20579
- camel-xchange: ticker action may throw NotYetImplementedForExchangeException
- CAMEL-20577
- Spring Beans XML Camel context duplicates rest routes defined in java or xml-io DSL
- CAMEL-20576
- camel-jbang-plugin-k run command kebab-case parsing invalid
- CAMEL-20563
- camel-kafka - breakOnFirstError causes thread and memory leaks
- CAMEL-20558
- Ability to use the old Micrometer meter names does not work on MicrometerExchangeEventNotifier
- CAMEL-20551
- camel-core: Default registry should not ignore beans in repositories
- CAMEL-20549
- camel-kafka - Using sslKeystoreType should work with PEM
- CAMEL-20545
- AdviceWith -> replaceFromWith fails when using several templated routes
- CAMEL-20542
- camel-spring-boot - Using Duration as option may fail
- CAMEL-20532
- camel-test-infra: singleton services should not be allowed to stop/start services manually
- CAMEL-20530
- camel-mongodb: unable to convert InputStream to org.bson.conversions.Bson
- CAMEL-20526
- Jbang camel CLI "run" and "log" commands are not working on Windows environments
- CAMEL-20523
- camel-xpath - The resultQName converter is wrong causing CSB not to work with xpath in language endpoint
- CAMEL-20517
- camel-jbang-plugin-k doesn't recognize command
- CAMEL-20512
- camel-jbang - camel debug may not work on windows
- CAMEL-20509
- camel-jbang - Loading custom kamelets from relative file dir does not work
- CAMEL-20498
- camel-http OAuth2 support is not adding the text "Bearer " to the Authorization header
- CAMEL-20487
- REST API generator issue with typeOut
- CAMEL-20483
- camel-core - Rest DSL with api-context-path may append null in host name
- CAMEL-20481
- camel-core - Rest DSL should resolve placeholder for context-path and others
- CAMEL-20475
- camel-bindy - Handle values with quotes better
- CAMEL-20470
- camel-jbang - Rest dsl with /api context path should auto detect platform-http as consumer
- CAMEL-20458
- Writing custom dev console does not work
- CAMEL-20457
- camel-core - NullPointerException for Split parallel and timeout without AggregationStrategy
- CAMEL-20444
- Camel-Azure-Servicebus: Support setting of CorrelationId on producer
- CAMEL-20440
- Camel JBang 4.4 - Windows 11 errors with every command
- CAMEL-20438
- camel-xslt - XPath evaluation fails in Java DSL routes
- CAMEL-20437
- camel-core - Configuring rabbitmq x-args from properties should preserve dash in key
- CAMEL-20435
- camel-core - Resequencer EIP cannot be started again after being stopped
- CAMEL-20434
- camel-http - Use NullEntity when request body is null
- CAMEL-20433
- camel-jbang - Log command - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!
- CAMEL-20431
- camel-jbang - Run and debug route with 'org.apache.camel.debugger.suspend=true' property is not working for different jbang cli and --camel-version versions
- CAMEL-20420
- CSimple: use of builder throws UnsupportedOperationException
Dependency upgrade (3)
- CAMEL-20592
- camel-kafka - Upgrade to 3.7
- CAMEL-20491
- camel-shiro - Upgrade to 2.0 that is jakarta ee compatible
- CAMEL-20448
- camel-spring-boot - Upgrade to 3.2.3
Improvement (61)
- CAMEL-20604
- camel-jbang - Remove -p for run command
- CAMEL-20602
- Support user properties in Camel JBang bind command
- CAMEL-20601
- Support error handler in Camel JBang bind command
- CAMEL-20596
- Propagate Azure Service Bus message headers (properties) to Camel Message
- CAMEL-20590
- Delay to execute timeout to Camel RabbitMQ (InOut)
- CAMEL-20589
- camel-jbang - Make it easy to run activemq with vm transport
- CAMEL-20583
- Java 21 - Reduce the noise from the ThreadType logger
- CAMEL-20568
- Set errorHandler on route level in YAML DSL
- CAMEL-20567
- Add support for restConfiguration in XML DSL IO
- CAMEL-20564
- camel-xslt: Make variables available as xsl:param
- CAMEL-20561
- camel-core - Properties component - Load properties in the same order as given when having multiple locations
- CAMEL-20555
- camel-lra html response when creating a saga with invalid lra-url
- CAMEL-20554
- camel-micrometer-prometheus - Should be GET verb
- CAMEL-20548
- catalog: include a capability section to advertise which artifact provides a specific feature
- CAMEL-20541
- Include arbitrary metadata to the camel-catalog
- CAMEL-20539
- camel-tooling-maven - Make it possible to turn off completely maven central and apache snapshots
- CAMEL-20538
- camel-jbang - The jbang DEPS with ${ } should be supported
- CAMEL-20535
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Add the component for the bedrock runtime agent for knowledge base support
- CAMEL-20534
- camel-grpc: Port validation should check if a port was specified
- CAMEL-20533
- camel-rest - Binding mode json or xml should defer produces HTTP header
- CAMEL-20531
- camel-console - Add metadata for camel-catalog about dev consoles
- CAMEL-20529
- Misleading summary on components page
- CAMEL-20528
- camel-console - Make it possible to easily start and stop routes via dev console
- CAMEL-20525
- camel-micrometer - Remove serviceName from tags
- CAMEL-20520
- camel-rest-openapi - Generate OpenApi scheme once on startup
- CAMEL-20510
- camel-micrometer - Add metrics for context level
- CAMEL-20508
- camel-jsonpath - Align how it converts to resultType like camel-jq
- CAMEL-20507
- camel-core - Java fluent builder for expression can allow to use enum class directly
- CAMEL-20502
- Avro data format should default use jacksonAvro
- CAMEL-20501
- camel-core - JsonDataformat schemaResolver should include class type for tooling
- CAMEL-20495
- camel-jsonpath - ResultType List should store single element into a List so it can be used afterwards with Split EIP
- CAMEL-20490
- camel-openapi-java - Empty server url due to X-Forward-Headers
- CAMEL-20488
- camel-openapi-java - Drop support for openapi v2
- CAMEL-20484
- camel-jbang - Using rest with /api context should have content-type in http summary
- CAMEL-20482
- camel-file - Can ant filter be optimized when using min/max depth with orphan marker file check
- CAMEL-20479
- camel-test-infra-artemis: delay broker configuration
- CAMEL-20474
- camel-platform-http-main - Add /q/info to show some basic details
- CAMEL-20472
- camel-main - Add group for configuring tracing
- CAMEL-20471
- camel-jbang - trace command should have show-exchange-variables option
- CAMEL-20466
- camel-core - Rest DSL to be inlined by default to avoid clutter up list of routes
- CAMEL-20461
- camel-micrometer - Add statistics for context level
- CAMEL-20460
- camel-platform-http - Rest DSL consume/produces should be in summary
- CAMEL-20459
- EIP Documentation: grammar, typos and other fixes
- CAMEL-20447
- camel-platform-http - Move jolokia JARs to the new jolokia-platform-http
- CAMEL-20446
- camel-jbang - Add support for reloading open-api file in dev mode
- CAMEL-20445
- JMX - Support update of variables through MBean for JMX debugger
- CAMEL-20442
- Camel JBang with --open-api flag, stop watching the route
- CAMEL-20425
- camel-yaml-dsl - Add support for multi extension
- CAMEL-20422
- Move component json into META-INF
- CAMEL-20421
- KnativeProducer creates Platform Http Service in JBang
- CAMEL-20419
- components with cloud events should generate metadata for camel-catalog
- CAMEL-20418
- camel-core - Log EIP should only use source line:name if enabled
- CAMEL-20413
- camel-spring-boot - Use hardcoded version in released BOM
- CAMEL-20411
- camel-mongodb: Add findAndModify Operation
- CAMEL-20410
- Documentation: grammar, typos and other fixes
- CAMEL-20381
- camel-core - EIPs that enrich exchange with exchange properties should be annotated and exposed in catalog
- CAMEL-20361
- camel-jbang - Make jolokia pluggable for camel-platform-http-main
- CAMEL-20300
- camel-jms - Consider adding option to override/enhance creation of temporary destinations simmilar to DestinationResolver
- CAMEL-20299
- camel-spring-rabbitmq - Cannot Create or Bind Producers
- CAMEL-20091
- autoDeclare for Producers in Spring Rabbit MQ
- CAMEL-13909
- Camel Rest-DSL doesn't generate type & outType from openapi 2.0 file
New Feature (20)
- CAMEL-20594
- Camel-Milvus: Add a datatype for transforming langchain embeddings in Milvus objects
- CAMEL-20587
- Camel-Qdrant: Add a datatype for transforming langchain embeddings in qdrant objects
- CAMEL-20572
- Camel-Milvus: Create Spring Boot Starter
- CAMEL-20570
- Camel-Langchain-*: Create starters for Spring Boot
- CAMEL-20565
- Azure Service Bus Component: Support dead-lettering at application level
- CAMEL-20544
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock-Agent: Add a consumer for polling the status of ingestion or more ingestions
- CAMEL-20543
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock-Agent: Support more operations on the producer side
- CAMEL-20537
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Add more headers to retrieve and generate operation for Bedrock Agent Runtime
- CAMEL-20536
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Add the component for Bedrock Agent
- CAMEL-20485
- Create a Camel-Milvus component
- CAMEL-20467
- Camel AWS Bedrock: Create Spring Boot starter
- CAMEL-20463
- Create an AWS Bedrock Runtime component
- CAMEL-20423
- AWS STS Component: Provide a way of setting the duration of AssumeRoleRequest through header
- CAMEL-20404
- Create a component for Qdrant Vector Database
- CAMEL-20019
- camel-platform-http-vertx - Add support for cookie handler
- CAMEL-19284
- camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin - Add type and outType to Rest DSL
- CAMEL-18858
- camel-core - Filter out kamelet routes so they do not clutter the list of routes
- CAMEL-18090
- camel-main - Loading properties with profiles for prod/dev/qa
- CAMEL-17641
- camel-catalog - Generate metadata for all known implementations of camel SPI interfaces
- CAMEL-17386
- camel-main - Developer Mode
Sub-task (16)
- CAMEL-20560
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Anthropic models
- CAMEL-20516
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support AI21 Jurassic2 Mid model
- CAMEL-20515
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support AI21 Jurassic2 Ultra model
- CAMEL-20511
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Embeddings G1 Model
- CAMEL-20504
- Google Pubsub CloudEvent Transformer
- CAMEL-20476
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Image Generator G1 model
- CAMEL-20469
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Text G1 Lite Model
- CAMEL-20464
- Slack CloudEvent transformer
- CAMEL-20453
- Azure CosmosDB CloudEvent transformer
- CAMEL-20452
- Azure Storage Datalake CloudEvent transformer
- CAMEL-20451
- Azure Eventhubs CloudEvent transformer
- CAMEL-20450
- Azure Servicebus CloudEvent transformer
- CAMEL-20449
- Azure Storage Files CloudEvent transformer
- CAMEL-20417
- AWS DDBStreams CloudEvent Transformer
- CAMEL-20416
- AWS Kinesis CloudEvent Transformer
- CAMEL-20415
- AWS Cloudtrail CloudEvent transformer
Task (11)
- CAMEL-20599
- camel-ai - pom.xml should be clean
- CAMEL-20598
- camel-jbang - Cannot use hawtio v4
- CAMEL-20595
- camel-dlj - Move into camel-ai
- CAMEL-20578
- generated configurer should use lower case first-char name
- CAMEL-20566
- Jaxb version should be present in parent/pom.xml not pom/xml
- CAMEL-20519
- camel-servlet: Tidy and improve documentation
- CAMEL-20518
- Camel project - doesn't build on Windows anymore
- CAMEL-20462
- Beans component typo
- CAMEL-20456
- camel-http: charset being used to set Content-Encoding field since camel
- CAMEL-20255
- camel-core: remove deprecated timestamp-based methods
- CAMEL-20014
- camel-core: remove deprecated methods
Test (7)
- CAMEL-20581
- camel-test-infra-artemis: ensure components use the correct lifecycle for service
- CAMEL-20478
- camel-jms: review and split Integration tests from Unit tests
- CAMEL-20477
- camel-jms: test flakiness
- CAMEL-20405
- Rename classes from *IntegrationTest.java to *IT.java
- CAMEL-20377
- *IT tests should be run with failsafe instead of surefire
- CAMEL-20324
- Tests failing in camel-openapi-java
- CAMEL-16660
- Hazelcast : tests : create camel-test-infra-Hazelcast
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